看未来 一步步来了~~~仅仅为了记录,记下消逝和即将消逝的点点滴滴,在回首的时候,能够知道,我曾经来过……


Windows Live FrameIt


You can craft a dynamic collection of photos and media source content
for your digital photo frame using Windows Live FrameIt.

To get started, we'll help you create your first collection.

Our sample collection will start you off with a few of our favorite
media sources. The blank collection will let you begin from a
completely blank slate.

Once you're in the site, you'll see that we have a big catalog of
content to get you started (it's growing all the time!). Feel free to
add and remove media sources from your collections at any time. Don't
worry, we won't be offended if you don't like the media sources we
give you as samples. Using any RSS feed or image on the web, you can
always create your own favorite media sources too.

Posted on 2008-08-01 09:06

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